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Maurice Taylor talks Michigan, Juwan Howard, and Family

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Akiem Gardner: First things first, Moe where are you from?

Maurice “Moe” Taylor: I’m from Detroit, Michigan born and raised.

AG: What is your opinion of the Detroit Public Schools (DPS) league and how the talent has change from the time you played?

MT: Back in my day we had some guys that were elite and were from the city. Growing up if you were from the city you played at a DPS school. Now since we have so many closures of schools, I think it really hurt DPS and is strengthening up the suburban schools because kids got to find somewhere to go.

AG: Did you go to Henry Ford High School ?

MT: Yep

AG: What was that experience like?

MT: I Loved it! I grew up on Evergreen & Fenkell- you know I caught the bus from Fenkell all the way down to get to Henry Ford High. Henry Ford High School wasn’t my neighborhood school, I didn’t know anybody at all. I didn’t play basketball my first couple of years …. I got into it late. But you know, I loved it! Like I said I was born and raised here, and I definitely wanted to put Henry Ford on the map.

AG: Juwan Howard is coaching back at Michigan! How do you(in excitement cuts me off)

MT:Love it! Loved it! I mean I’m in town, I’m going to the press conference. You know on Thursday, I’ve been in touch, and what he just did was energize the University of Michigan. We had a group text with about 15-17 former players…And when he got the job, he texted all of us. Whatever he needs, whatever support he needs for that program, he’s going to get it from everybody that steps foot in there. He’s gonna have more support than anyone since Steve Fischer.

AG:WOW! So as far as recruiting goes, how do you think he will do compared to John Belien?

MT: He’s going to be more attractive. If you want to know a case study look at Memphis and Penny Hardaway. That’s a dude that was a player in the league, Penny has a story. Penny was the man. Juwan Howard brings that pedigree to the table…. Juwan was a part of the “FAB FIVE”, has played 19 NBA seasons and was a two-time NBA Champion and he coached in the NBA. When a guy like that walks in your living room and tells you “I want you at Michigan” you listen.

AG: Can you tell me what playing in the NBA was like?

MT:I loved it! To be in that long line of great players to play -in Detroit, I felt some honor in that and it was a humbling experience. I’ve been playing ball since I was 10 and to get drafted is the pinnacle. If Steve Fischer had not been fired, I would have went back my senior year- I have no regrets!

AG: Let’s get away from basketball for a moment. How do you feel about the resurgence in the city of Detroit?

MT: I’m impress with a lot of the development, I must say I’m impressed with Downtown….just impressed as I am in that factor I’m still concern that none of that is reaching from downtown to Detroit. I still would like to see more in the city!

AG: Lastly, after being years removed from the game, not calling you old of course. What are you currently doing now with your time?

MT: (Laughing ) Haaa… Nah I’ll be 43 this year so yeah I’m years removed.. But I have been running youth programs for about six years. I devoted my basketball time to my son… I felt like I owed that to him,for me giving what I’ve known to so many other players. My daughter plays for the elite level soccer teams she’s eleven-so I’m kind of transitioning from basketball to soccer (Laughing)…

AG: Thank you for your time Moe!

MT: Man it was good talking to you

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